2020線上國際教育展受理報名開跑囉! 2020 Online Education Fair Registration 

  • 2020-05-18
  • AdminAdmin
Notification by OIA of NKUST

主旨: 2020線上國際教育展受理報名開跑囉! 2020 Online Education Fair Registration 

1.對交換計畫、雙聯學制、海外研習或是海外志工有興趣之同學,走過路過絕對不要錯過,交換、雙聯、海外研習/志工資訊都在2020線上國際教育展! Anyone who is interested in programmes of Exchange Student, Joint Dual-degree or Overseas Volunteer, you must not miss the 2020 Online Education Fair!
We have invited lots of students who participated in programmes of Exchange Student, Joint Dual-degree, and Overseas Volunteer as your online consultant. Come to join us!
3.報名二步驟Two steps to complete the registration
  1. 步驟一Step 1: 填寫報名表Fill in the registration Google form
  1. 步驟二Step 2:下載Download Discord app https://discord.com/
    此次線上教育展所採用之AppDiscord知曉各姊妹校資訊以及國外生活小撇步絕對是你實現出國夢的第一步,馬上下載Discord,踏上你的探索之旅吧! The first step to achieve your dream is to collect information of our partner universities and some tips to survive in the foreign countries, so download Discord to start your journey now!
The first step to achieve your dream is to collect information of our partner universities and some tips to survive in the foreign countries, so download Discord to start your journey now!
國際處 學生交換事務組 敬啟 
By Student Exchange Section of Office of International Affairs
聯絡分機Contact Extensions19021-19023