
  • 2020-03-23
  • AdminAdmin
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CMC (Cabot Microelectronics Corporation)實習期間,將配予每位實習生專屬導師(Mentor),專業導師會教導與協助解決專業問題,每位實習生將有獨立專案,您將可更實際解決組織問題,成為組織中貢獻一員。快速變動的跨國工作環境,也將使您獲得寶貴實務經驗,開拓你的國際觀!期待具有創造力與敢於接受挑戰的你加入CMC
-實習地點:高雄市路竹科學園區 (高雄市路竹區路科八路2)
1. Assist with experiment operation and execute lab analytical metrology
2. Maintain accurate records of experiment results and summarize experiment data for progress reports
3. Review and edit data to ensure completeness and accuracy of information
PPM Tools Data migration and rollout support.
IT Service Request and Problem Management Process Support.
1. Groove feature introduction.
2. Pad CNC groove study for quality enhancement  
3. Blade design for blade life time define/extension
4. Pad lab metrology tool introduction and operation
月薪 30,000 ~ 40,000
•透過104投遞履歷(請搜尋: 長興開發股份有限公司 嘉柏微電子材料)